Manufacturers In Waxes, Pharmaceutical Intermediates ENQUIRE NOW

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We are amongst the leaders in wax-blending technology. We research, develop, and manufacture specialist products, supplying customers both large and small all over the COUNTRY. Petroleum waxes, natural waxes, waxes blended with resins and polymers, coloured and perfumed materials.
Special packaging, different sizes and shapes, any quantity from kilos to tonnes – The company supplies wax products for many different applications.
Our unique approach to tailor-making and tweaking formulations, combined with outstanding customer service and competitive pricing makes us the perfect partner.
Product-driven we offer products to markets as diverse as Beauty, Textile,mining, Engineering and Agriculture.
Customer-focused we grow with our customers, offering technical support every step of the way.
Technically-minded with full-time chemists on site, we offer high standards of material research, development and quality control.
This web site shows just some examples of our products but we can meet most challenges for custom blending and moulding of wax products. We are a dynamic, imaginative company proudly contributing to the indian manufacturing sector.
We invest in people and processes, embrace change, and really care about what we do for the long term gain of our customers, our staff and our industry.
In addition to manufacturing our own wax products we also toll-manufacture others. We market and distribute various ancillary products, trade raw materials, and offer technical consulting on all things wax-related.